Recently, I whipped up a tasty lunch pizza and I have no regrets. Might I add that it pairs perfectly with some Summer Solstice Sangria?
I’ve heard from friends in real-life and online that they want food content from me. After resisting for long enough, I’m finally taking the leap, a toss and a spin.

From here on out, I’m going to own my love for cooking and learning its craft. I’m going to own being a food assembler and recipe follower. Not a recipe creator. I’m going to love all recipes equally – homemade, semi-homemade. Out of a box, can….whatever!
Although I do love a made-from-scratch dish, I’m a big fan of working smarter not harder. Will I make my own pizza dough someday? Sure. Was this day that day? No.
Nonetheless, I’m here to enlighten you with some tasty lunch pizza.
This tasty lunch pizza is super easy.

For this tasty lunch pizza, I had some Trader Joe’s pre made pizza dough and pizza sauce on hand. If you want to flaunt your domestic goddess skills by making homemade pizza dough and sauce, then you go Glen Coco! That ain’t for me.
If you decide to go with some form of pre made dough, then follow the instructions for prepping it and preheat your oven to 475. Then, the Trader Joe’s pizza dough has to sit out on a lightly floured surface and rest at room temp for 30 minutes.
Once you’re ready to roll out that dough, flour your hands and the surface a little more. Do some version of rolling, stretching, kneading, tossing….whatever. I’m no expert. But apparently this guys is.

I topped ours with sauce, shredded mozzarella, mounds of ricotta, and salt and pepper. But don’t you worry, that’s just the opening act.
After cooking it for about mmmm eight minutes, I pulled that bad boy out and proceeded to top it with a second round of ingredients. Because one round isn’t enough.
Here’s where I bring out the big guns. Prosciutto, basil, parmesan and a glorious drizzle of balsamic glaze topped the pie off.

Basically, you can do whatever you want with your tasty lunch pizza. Want pesto instead of tomato sauce? Go for it!
You want cheddar cheese instead of mozzarella? Sure! You want to eat a pizza smothered in pineapple without retributions or feelings of shame?
I’m here for it! You’ve got to live your best life.

Don’t ask for a recipe because I don’t have one and there’s a million online. You can find pre-made pizza dough just about anywhere. As I said, mine is from Trader Joe’s. They offer a garlic herb dough and traditional. And if you’re in the area one of my favorite local Italian eateries, DeFalco’s Deli & Italian Eatery, usually have pizza dough in their case. That’s amore!
But in the event I do inspire you to make your own damn fancy lunch pizza, I would love to hear about it!