Hellllooooo my friends, and welcome to a quite literal unveiling of mermaid-inspired room designs I’m calling “part of your world.” If you’re wondering why I fancy myself a room designer now, well, there are a few reasons.
For one, quarantine….’nough said. Secondly, we’re moving and I wanted to visualize our soon-to-be spaces beforehand. And lastly, because why not? It’s basically like digital scrapbooking.
Plus, I started recently listening to a podcast called Creative Pep Talk, and it’s been enlightening! After a few episodes, I’m already paying more attention to the creative cues in my life and just going for it, ya know?
Interior style: eclectic
Something I’ve always been drawn to is interior decorating. I really see our personal spaces as a reflection and extension of who we are. And my little gal has quite the personality who deserves a space equally as colorful and bubbly as she is! So we’re in the process of trying to pick the right theme! And I need your help.
I’m not entirely sure I would be able to define my own personal style if I had to other than eclectic. I’m definitely drawn to the organic desert vibe, but I also love colors, and I enjoy more of the midcentury modern, Scandinavian type furniture.
It’s a whole mash-up of decor, so when I figure out what to call it, I’ll let you know. No matter what style you’re drawn to, they all have to have at least one universal item — plants.
My first taste of a plant-centric, wild and maximalist interior decorating-style was designer Justina Blakeney, the lady who coined the term Jungalow. Her use of colors, pattern and plants continue to be an inspiration for me. As we prepare to move into a little jungalow of our own, I am soaking up all the inspiration I can get right now!
Help me pick the best design!
So, enter these room designs. Maybe you saw and perhaps even participated, but a few weeks ago I shared two other rounds of room design ideas on Instagram. I took votes on audience favorites and asked for feedback, and it was so fun! I think this will be my adult version of coloring when I need to relieve some stress, ha!
Anyway, I thought it’d be fun to bring this round of designs to the blog first and do a poll and collect feedback on here. Plus, I’ve added a fun sliding feature to my pictures so it’s like you’re unwrapping a present, sort of.
Elements of a mermaid-inspired room
Like my other designs, these are definitely colorful and have a playful feel. I like to take concepts that are youthful in nature, like mermaids, and reimagine them in more simple and abstract ways.
Growing up, I would always say that The Little Mermaid was my favorite Disney movie! It’s so fun to be able to watch it with my daughter now and reminisce over how magical it all used to be.
Before I created these room combinations, I made a list of words that inspired mermaid-themed elements. Here are some that came to mind:
- Seashells
- Bubbles
- Sea Glass
- Scallops
- Aqua
- Coral
- Waves
- Sunshine
As you’ll see, all rooms have seashell-style chairs in them. Something I had no idea was even a thing until recently when I came across a random photo of one online. But of course, a seashell chair make a whole ‘lotta sense with this theme.
You’ll notice the pink dresser is in all of them because we have one just like it already. As far as the wallpaper patterns go, we intend on only using the wallpaper on one wall, most likely behind her bed.
So without further ado, here are the “part of your world,” room decor designs!
5 ways to style a mermaid-inspired room

Vote for your favorite mermaid-inspired design or leave feedback
Let me know which one is your favorite! You can vote with the poll below. You’re can pick more than one and you leave feedback in the “other box” or in the comments section below the blog.
I can’t wait to see what you guys think! If you like these little dreamy themed spaces I’ve put together let me know! I’ll keep coming up with ideas to inspire!